< Live Streams
25 May 2021
6.00-7.00pm (UK)
Admission free
Las dinámicas industriales y urbanas han convertido el agua en recurso y los ríos en repositorios contaminados por todo tipo de desecho. Esta cultura hídrica extractiva opera en detrimento de los valores de lo hidrcomún: aquella noción que rescata el valor delagua como tejedor de comunidades y garante de bienestar, un material que nos une y reúne. En esta charla, el activista ambiental Jorge Clavijo y la artista multidisciplinar Alejandra Ortiz de Zeballos compartirán sus experiencias incentivando proyectos colaborativos desde la ecología y el arte en el Río Bogotá, Colombia, y el Canal de Surco, Lima, Perú. Exploraremos cómo la reforestación de humedales y las cartografías colectivas cultivan relaciones responsables y sensibles con cuerpos que agua que aun en estado agónico, son el pulso vital de sus comunidades.
Charla en español, moderada por Lisa Blackmore.
Industrial and urban dynamics have turned water into a resource, flooding rivers with pollution and waste. Environmental activist Jorge Clavijo and multidisciplinary artist Alejandra Ortiz de Zeballos join us to share their experiences of fostering collaborative ecological and arts-based projects on the Bogota River in Colombia and the Surco Canal in Lima, Peru. Together with guest-curator Lisa Blackmore we will explore how wetland restoration and community mapping activities nurture responsible, sensitive bonds with bodies of water, which, even as they agonise, remain the beating heart of their communities.
This event will be in Spanish, moderated by Lisa Blackmore

Join the Zoom session here
Image: Alejandra Ortiz de Zevallos, 2021

Alejandra Ortiz de Zevallos
Alejandra Ortiz de Zeballos
Peru, 1995
Alejandra Ortiz de Zevallos studied Sculpture at the Faculty of Art and Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Since 2019 she has been working with communities around the Surco canal in Lima, intersecting pedagogical methods with audiovisual and installation practice, to explore emotional attachments and community mappings of this pre-Columbian but contaminated body of water. Ortiz is currently working as an art teacher in Lima and designing a participatory workshop of weaving and braiding of the naturalfibres that grow on the banks of the river, using the Andean braiding techniquesshe learned in Moray, Cusco,during a residency with Mater Iniciativa in 2019.Her work was exhibited in the group show La posibilidad de lo común,at Galeria del Paseo, Lima, in 2021, and she participated in the exhibition KHIPUat the Museo de Arte de Limain 2020.
Jorge Clavijo & Diego Piñeros
Jorge Clavijo
Colombia, 1981
Clavjio and Piñeros García together made El Charquito(2020), a documentary created through a collaboration cultivated through their participation in the entre—ríos network. Clavijo is an economist, musician and environmental activist who lives in the village of El Charquito, in Suacha municipality, on the banks of the river Bogota. There, he works with community groups on water protection, biodiversity conservation, food sovereignty and wetland reforestation project, articulating the education and agricultural projects Escuela de Pensamiento Ambiental y de Paz Humedal El Charquito and Red de Agricultores de la EPAP Humedal El Charquito. His collaboration with Piñeros was born from the need to create an audiovisual historical memory that stimulates the sense of belonging, environmental awareness and the sustainable development of the village as an example of a community that bases its daily life around nature conservation and the arts.
Live Streams is curated by Lisa Blackmore (School of Philosophy & Art History and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Essex), Diego Chocano (Assistant Curator of Essex Collection of Art from Latin America/University Art Collections) and Emilio Chapela (Artist and Research Assistant at the University of Essex). This website was built by David Medina.